Kumi Analytics Carbon Sequestration Assessment Tool (KACSAT) provides detailed analysis of environmental projects and carbon sequestration rates.
Carbon Sequestration Assessment Tool

What is KACSAT?

Kumi Analytics Carbon Sequestration Assessment Tool (KACSAT) provides detailed analysis of environmental projects and carbon sequestration rates. KACSAT cuts project planning, monitoring, reporting, and verification timelines down from current processes with an improved understanding of the overall impact.
Types of Reports Generated
When you participate in restoration projects, you can be assured that the impact you are having is backed by objective scientifically accurate data. Generate Scientific Report for Review and Subsequent Carbon Offset Issuance.
Regional Deforestation Rate
Forest Density
Proximity to Water Sources
Total Biomass
Annual State Change
Change in Biomass and Carbon Sequestration Rates

This enables you to

Restore Forests
Target replanting in Most Crucial Areas.
Report, Monitor and Verify
Generate scientific reports for review and subsequent carbon offset issuance.
Launch Projects Faster
Quickly establish a baseline of your project and decrease paperwork through using the latest technologies so you can scale your projects in a fraction of the time.

Now with a single platform,
you have access to

Deforestation Analysis
Analyze forest cover changes over a multi-year period with deforestation rates calculated based on the FAO methodology.
Detailed analysis
Detailed analysis of environmental projects and carbon sequestration rates.
Integrated Solutions
An integrated solution for both conservation and reforestation projects.

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